Notes on Ecology, Technology and Culture

Notes on Ecology, Technology and Culture


Ideas Planted Elsewhere


Articles & Essays
Members of the Wanawake Kwanza growers association in Maza village, Morogoro, Tanzania, have received Feed the Future support through USAID to boost their incomes and improve nutrition in the village. After only two months of growing vegetables on a single acre plot, these women have saved nearly $500.

What Goes if USAID Goes?

The destruction of USAID will create shockwaves throughout the world — and worsen the ongoing climate and extinction crises.

Orangutan parent and child embrace.

Do Animals Think About Death?

The philosopher Susana Monsó asks what we can know from the variety of responses toward death we see in the animal kingdom.

Jade Stevens rests near Lake Putt on land in California’s Tahoe National Forest that is owned and managed by the 40 Acre Conservation League.

What Do 21st Century Land Reparations Look Like?

“Reparations is about repair and creating a world where everybody, including Black people, fully belong. A world where we respect the environment. And a world where the idea of dominating other groups or the land itself isn’t the dominant belief.”


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